13th October 2022
8th September 2022
If approved by the majority of voters
The plan will carry real weight in the determination of planning applications throughout North Cadbury, Galhampton, Yarlington and Woolston
6th September 2022
If approved by the majority of voters the plan will carry real weight in the determination of planning applications throughout North Cadbury, Galhampton, Yarlington and Woolston
Application form for Registering to vote by post
22nd August 2022
For a cleaner and less cluttered home page all news items that appear here will be archived in full under the News Tab above after two months
1st September 2021
On July 16th we issued the North Cadbury and Yarlington Draft Neighbourhood Plan (DNP). If you have not read it you can, following the "Draft Plan" link on the home page opposite
Alternatively you can :
Email your thoughts to: info@northcadburyneighbourhoodplan.org.uk
Or use the reply forms that are available for pick up / return at Galhampton Store and North Cadbury Stores.
All replies have to be submitted by 31st August
19th August 2021
Wessex Internet are currently extending their full fibre network to Yarlington with Galhampton and Woolston to follow, but interest from North Cadbury is lagging behind
Wessex Internet need 40 registrations of interest by April to assess viability, before they will submit a quote under the Dept. for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport funding scheme.
A full fibre network provides a much faster and more reliable service than that currently available, so if this really is important to you please register your interest for a government funded installation with Wessex Internet via the link below
Or to speak to Wessex on: 0333 240 7997
12th March 2021
Please click the link below to view them, and give us your comments
21st January 2021
The response rate by residents of the Parish to the Options Consultation was remarkable
15th December 2020
The Options Consultation closed on the 6th December, and the response has been brilliant
We are now analysing the data and aim to bring you the results before Christmas
Please sign up for our Newsletter to have the results emailed to your inbox
8th December 2020
12th November 2020
Options Consultation
Presentation and questionnaire are now available
Have your say on Housing Development and much more
Delayed by Covid this extensive piece of work follows the household survey held earlier in the year and incorporates input from various official external bodies
The presentation brings you up to speed on all topics, so that you are best informed to express your opinion on all matters, particularly on proposed housing development sites
When you have viewed the presentation, on the final page you will find a big red arrow, please click on this to go to the questionnaire to submit your views
For our plan to have credibility we really need 200-300 replies, so please tell your local friends and neighbours in order that we can get the best response possible
For those without a computer we are planning to letter box drop the questionnaire, we will keep you informed
Click here to start: Options Consultation Presentation
5th November 2020
Please find listed below with an associated map the sites submitted by landowners to either SSDC or NC&Y as potential development locations for residential or commercial use.
All sites are currently being assessed on our behalf by AECOM (see FAQ) as to whether they are suitable for inclusion in the Neighbourhood Plan, which is due to come forward for public consultation late September 2020
NC&Y01 North Side Doddinal, Woolston
NC&Y02 Yarlington Lodge Estate, Yarlington
NC&Y03 South Of Avalon Farm, Galhampton Hill, Galhampton
NC&Y04 East Side Of Cary Road Above The Grange N.Cadbury
NC&Y05 West Of Sandbrook Lane, N.Cadbury
NC&Y06 East Of Sandbrook Lane, N.Cadbury
NC&Y07 Hearn Lane, West Of March Cottage, Galhampton
NC&Y08 Adj.Horseshoe Villas/Cottage, Woolston
NC&Y09 South Of Agecroft, March Lane, Galhampton
NC&Y10 Sandbrook Lane, N.Cadbury
NC&Y11 East Of Manor Farm On Woolston Road, N.Cadbury
NC&Y12 West Of Manor Farm On Woolston Road, N.Cadbury
NC&Y13 Top Ridgeway Lane, Existing Orchard, N.Cadbury
SSDC1 Ridgeway Lane, Clare Field Nr. Allotment, N.Cadbury
SSDC2 Adjacent To Restricted Byway WN/105, N.Cadbury
SSDC3 Down Ash Farm, N.Cadbury
SSDC4 North Town Farm, N.Cadbury
SSDC5 East Of Cadbury Business Park, N.Cadbury
SSDC6 West Of Cadbury Business Park, N.Cadbury
Any Qusetions? Check out the FAQs or click the CONTACT US tab at the top of page
Parish Map - Potential Developmnet sites
13th August 2020
Programme Status @ June 2020
Plan progress has slowed slightly due in part to Covid19 and the delay in obtaining our grant for the period to October 2020, which we are pleased to report has now been secured. The next major milestone Options Consultation is now planned for September rather than July as previously reported
The household survey which closed with a 58% response rate (very high) has now been published and details resident’s opinions on a range of topics including housing, green spaces, facilities employment and much more
Employers and service providers have been asked to express their views on the future of the parish and we are now analysing the results
Significantly, we have now completed our Call for Sites, where residents and local landowners have submiited sites for possible development. The results are currently being combined with data from SSDC who undertook a similar process recently
All the data from the above and various other surveys now under way, will be used together with a housing needs assessment to determine what development is needed and appropriate for the parish.
The housing needs assessment will shortly be undertaken by external professionals - AECOM (Locality - Neighbourhood Planning Support) who will draw on population statistics, projected changes in household size and numbers, affordability and a whole raft of other information.
The culmination of this effort will be an Options Consultation throughout the Parish in September 2020
Remember, there will be development in the parish (whether we have a plan or not)
The purpose of the Neighbourhood Plan is to influence how many, what is built and where, to keep the essential character of the area. No development is not an option.
15th June 2020
Produced by Jo Witherden BSc(Hons) DipTP DipUD MRTPI of Dorset Planning Consultant Ltd in conjunction with the North Cadbury and Yarlington Neighbourhood Plan Group
The results of the Neighbourhood Plan Survey have now been collated in order to provide an evidence base for the Plan.
There was an excellent response rate from households with young children through to households with one or two elderly residents. Many respondents across Galhampton, North Cadbury, Woolston and Yarlington, have lived here for at least 15 years and obviously know the area and its issues very well.Following the release of this survey we will be publishing the results of our "Call for Sites" identifying a number of potential building sites across the Parish that will be consulted on later this year. In addition, the separate Business and Facilities surveys that were carried out in March/April, are currently being analysed.
We are always looking at ways to improve how we consult and inform residents, your participation is vital and valued at every stage.
Here is the report:
20th May 2020
Housing and Economic Land Availability
South Somerset District Council is reviewing the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) which will be part of their evidence base used to identify additional sites for housing or employment to meet the District’s future requirements and to inform the five-year supply of deliverable housing land.
Their assessment will consider all sites and broad locations capable of delivering five or more dwellings or economic development on sites of 0.25 ha (or 500m2 of floorspace) and above.
For more detail go to the SSDC website - Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
* Perhaps a garden that is now too large, or
* A green field site, or
* Buildings which could be converted or redeveloped.
Would you like the Neighbourhood Plan to include it to allow some sort of development to take place?
If you do - you should tell us now.
Q: I have submitted my site to South Somerset District Council – do I need to respond to your call?
A: Yes - the District Council do not have the necessary consents to pass your personal information on, and completing our forms ensures that we have the information we need to assess all sites fairly.
Q: My site is below the SSDC threshold of 0.25ha – does this matter?
A: No - the Neighbourhood Plan will consider all sites regardless of size
Q: I am worried that submitting my site could upset my neighbours – can the submissions remain confidential or should I tell my neighbours?
A: We have to be open and transparent and therefore we will need to publish all the sites that have been submitted at some point. We will be consulting on sites so there will be an opportunity for your neighbours to point out any concerns they may have about the site and these will be taken into account in the decision making process.
Q: What happens if I change my mind about developing my site?
A: Suggesting a site does not guarantee that it will be included in the Neighbourhood Plan, or that it would definitely be developed, but it does mean that you would like it to be considered at this point in time. If you do decide that you no longer wish your site to be considered you can contact the Neighbourhood Plan Group to ask for it to be withdrawn.
If you have such a site register your details by clicking on this link : Call for Sites before the deadline
Or contact the Chairman Mike Martin at - michaelvernon390@gmail.com
19th March 2020
Neighbourhood Plan Survey - Headline results by settlement
11th March 2020
NCNP Residents Survey - February 2020
28th February 2020
Either return your Survey to your local collection point or if you prefer, use the online version - click the link below
NCNP Residents Survey - February 2020
24th February 2020
NCNP Residents Survey - February 2020
11th February 2020
10th January 2020
7th January 2020
Background -
In the North Cadbury and Yarlington Parish we live in a beautiful part of Somerset which we can all enjoy both now and hopefully in the future.
In 2006 the Parish Council published a consultation document on the future of the parish that attempted to "Marry the Future to the Past" the 2006 Parish Plan
By March 2015 SSDC had developed and adopted the SSDC Local Plan 2006-2028 which supports the Council’s long-term vision for managing and accommodating residential and economic growth across South Somerset. Following concerns though, raised by HM Inspector at the examination stage, the Council decided to undertake a review of the Local Plan and committed, to produce by late 2021, a Revised Local Plan now covering the period 2016-2036
In the same period the Parish Council commissioned a further local consultation resulting in the 2017 Community Plan. Like its predecessor in 2006 its aim was to obtain the views of parishioners on how they wanted the four areas of the parish (North Cadbury, Galhampton, Yarlington and Woolston) to respond to growing demands for housing and employment
The consistent response from both consultations was a desire to preserve the footprint and character of the area, with any new housing developments to be built sympathetically and integrated into the Parish environment. However, in both cases the reports were only a guide for planners and had no legal status. To achieve that, under the 2011 Localism Act, the Parish Council are obliged to produce and have adopted a Neighbourhood Plan.
Going Forward
In the light of this the Parish Council have decided, whilst the SSDC Local Plan Review is taking place, to take the next step and produce the North Cadbury and Yarlington Neighbourhood Plan, which when adopted, will have the benefit of establishing planning policies with statutory weight that will influence future planning decisions in our community and will last for the same period as the Locality Neighbourhood Planning Support
To help develop and deliver our Neighbourhood Plan this website has been built (as part of a wider set of initiatives - see Latest News) to inform and to encourage parishioners to participate in creating a sustainable development plan that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
10th September 2019
Community Services and Facilities
Website by WesternWeb Ltd
Last updated 13th October 2022