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Community Services and Facilities

Issues identified for consideration

Maintain, improve and extend community services and recreational facilities that better meet the needs of local residents of every age and ability, including the services provided from the church, shop,

Village Shop

recreation ground, village hall and pub.  A key issue / opportunity here may be the future of the school, given the age of a number of ‘temporary’ buildings and parking-related issues.  Could development help provide a new school in a different location within the area that would work better?  Views of all the service providers - their needs and future plans - should be sought.

Areas identified for potential inclusion in the neighbourhood plan, subject to resources and community support: 

  • Community land / venues - protection of existing sites and (if relevant) site allocations to enable additional provision
  • Parking standards – consideration of levels of off-road parking and localised road safety issues where development may give rise to additional on-road parking pressures
  • Important travel routes (buses)