North Cadbury and Yarlington Neighbourhood Development Plan Nextdoor Home

Archive for 2019

Our Chance to Influence the Future  - September 2019

Our Chance to Influence the Future - September 2019

Background -
In the North Cadbury and Yarlington Parish we live in a beautiful part of Somerset which we can all enjoy both now and hopefully in the future.

In 2006 the Parish Council published a consultation document on the future of the parish that attempted to "Marry the Future to the Past" the 2006 Parish Plan

By March 2015 SSDC had developed and adopted the SSDC Local Plan 2006-2028 which supports the Council’s long-term vision for managing and accommodating residential and economic growth across South Somerset. Following concerns though, raised by HM Inspector at the examination stage, the Council decided to undertake a review of the Local Plan and committed, to produce by late 2021, a Revised Local Plan now covering the period 2016-2036

In the same period the Parish Council commissioned a further local consultation resulting in the 2017 Community Plan. Like its predecessor in 2006 its aim was to obtain the views of parishioners on how they wanted the four areas of the parish (North Cadbury, Galhampton, Yarlington and Woolston) to respond to growing demands for housing and employment

The consistent response from both consultations was a desire to preserve the footprint and character of the area, with any new housing developments to be built sympathetically and integrated into the Parish environment. However, in both cases the reports were only a guide for planners and had no legal status. To achieve that, under the 2011 Localism Act, the Parish Council are obliged to produce and have adopted a Neighbourhood Plan.

Going Forward
In the light of this the Parish Council have decided, whilst the SSDC Local Plan Review is taking place, to take the next step and produce the North Cadbury and Yarlington Neighbourhood Plan, which when adopted, will have the benefit of establishing planning policies with statutory weight that will influence future planning decisions in our community and will last for the same period as the Locality Neighbourhood Planning Support

To help develop and deliver our Neighbourhood Plan this website has been built (as part of a wider set of initiatives - see Latest News) to inform and to encourage parishioners to participate in creating a sustainable development plan that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

10th September 2019

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